On October 2nd 2016, we had our second Vision Casting service. In it we outlined where we would like to be as a church family as well as a set of specific goals and how we can work together to accomplish them.
Where We Want to Be
Scripture clearly lays out what the church is supposed to look like as a community. In Romans 12:9-13, the Apostle Paul outlines how Christians should treat each other:
9 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
We are to grow closer to one another as a family of God. This is where Missio Dei church needs to be. We need to work together to honor Scripture and be genuine with one another. This is primary.
This means we need to have open hands, open hearts, and open mouths to accomplish these things laid out in Scripture. We can't just read them and agree with them, we have to do them. Loving one another is an important way to show the Gospel to our surrounding communities (John 13:35).
Some Practical Goals
In Community Groups that week, we outlined some specific goals for Mission Dei Church for the next year:
- Move to a more permanent location by 9/1/2017
- See at least 5 new converts
- Save $20,000 in our bank account
- See 3 new families regularly attend
- More "gray hair" at MD (more older believers)
- Substantial and ongoing training for our men
- More effective events to focus on urban Glassboro
- Continued development of Deacons and their roles at MD
These might sound random at first, but let's put some action to the goals:
- Move to a more permanent location by 9/1/2017 - This will require consistent generous giving from our flock, and coordination with realtors to find a suitable home for MD in Glassboro.
- See at least 5 new converts - The number is arbitrary. It could have been 5,000, but the action is the same. This goal will require us to open our mouths and tell others of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Save $20,000 in our bank account - This goal has 2 purposes: 1)This amount helps facilitate a move and 2) will require consistent Generous giving from our members.
- See 3 new families regularly attend - This means we need to rub elbows with other families and be proactive in inviting and sharing our mission with others.
- More "gray hair" at MD (more older believers) - See above
- Substantial and ongoing training for our men - This will require committed elders to develop and carry out training, and a committed flock to help keep them accountable.
- More effective events to focus on urban Glassboro - With a new Events Coordinator Deacon, we look to re-evaluate our presence at events in 2017, and plan and implement new events driven by MD that would help complete our mission to our town by spreading the Gospel.
- Continued development of Deacons and their roles at MD - As our flock grows and changes, we will constantly need to be evaluating the needs that Deacons in our church can meet.
And that's what our Vision for 2016-17 looks like. If you have any questions about our church, or would like to learn more about becoming involved, head on over to our Connection Center to get in touch with us!